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Are Bricks Interesting?

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Are Bricks Interesting?

This series is inspired by two Twitter friends, Mark Tobin and Matthew Davidson. The short version is one of them is always very kind about my art work & leave praising comments. After a bit of banter with him about this the other one also joined in. I jokingly had said "you'd like my work even if i painted a Brick.

After the banter finishes, I am not one to just say something, i took it upon myself to paint a brick. But rather than paint something that was clearly bad i attempted to paint something that someone may actually like. So I painted one in the style of Roy Lichtenstein as Pop Art has been a proved like with people who follow me.

On finishing the painting I took an image and up loaded it. This resulted in not only likes from them both but an Art group on facebook setting the challenge to their followers to paint a brick. It has kind of steam rolled from there. So I had to continue coming up with ideas and this is a room looking at some of them.

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