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stages of painting..

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

People will tell you that you need to do the background first, a light wash, draw the whole thing etc. Honest.. Background first makes it easier, no need to draw the whole thing unless you are doing a pen and wash (even then you can do it afterwards.) You don't always need a wash.

The best thing any one can tell you is, making contact with that canvas, piece of paper or what ever media you are going to use. The minute you make that first contact the rest will flow, as long as you have that inspiration or a muse.

You will be told to do life drawing, a bowl of fruit.. I aways say use a subject matter you like, a film, a car, an animal, a cartoon, a landscape. Anything that you enjoy. You need to like what you are going to do to be fully engaged with it. I've done paintings on request and sometimes have just sat there, and sat there. Can i engage with the subject matter i'm painting.

Every person will have a time when it hard to engage, to feel inspire. Its why I have always recommend to people/children to chose something you interested in, weather doing Art or music.

So here's two paintings that I have given you different stages of so you can see how i have done them. Look at the Blocks of colours, the dots (for detail) Look at the direction of light. Look at them and see if you like the final painting and subject matter.


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