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Pop Funk Kings, Level 42

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

I was fortunate enough to grow up in when Music was peaking. Styles collided the Charts were important. Queen, The Beach Boys, The Police and Genesis were more my parents thing that we listened to in the Car but I loved their music. However just as my interests in Music's meant I was saving my money to buy a 7in or12 in Vinyl. Level 42 arrived and it was my band not my parents. This was my first choice. Living it up, Love Games, Hot-water, You can't Blame Louis. Classics that made me rush to the shops to buy the music.. Soon CD's arrived and with that the World Machine Album pounded out on my CD player. MTV was filled with their Videos which became classics in their own right. Something about you and Leaving me Now.

Then the most played album next to my "Its a kind of Magic" Album, Running in the Family. Every song on the Album was a classic, Every video amazing. However with that a change came. The next few Albums had their moments, but with the band split it wasn't the same sound.

Then Forever now appeared... That sound, that style, even the extra songs on the CD singles had it... Hold on theirs some names back in the studio for this album. Forever Now was almost back up there, but times had changed and music from the 80's was becoming forgotten.

Running in the Family was my Teenage years all in one album. But the Art work was a lesson in modern Art History. The Screen Print images (based on Andy Warhol prints) surrounding photos of the band. Artistically this was a piece of Art in its own right.

As you are aware I have been doing various styles in recent weeks, including Pop Art. So it would be rude not to include Level 42 paintings. I've included an image of the album cover so you can see the influence.

At a later date there will be a music Article about the Band and their music.


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