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Our Mixed Gallery is live

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

You asked and we listened. As you were aware originally our Gallery was going to have a turn

Turn around of work each week. However we have had a lot of direct contact and requests asking for it to stay up. So due to demand we will be keeping the 40 'V Mothership' images up. Because of this we are now calling it our Feature Gallery.

Thankyou for all the feed back and visits in regards to this and we are glad that you like it.

Anyway because of this today our second Gallery, of which we have called the Mixed Gallery has just gone live. Other images influenced from the world of Football, Film, TV, Music and Johnny

Depp will be featured in it. These are influenced from Pop Art, Impressionism, Post Impressionism and Turner.

At this time that is what we aim to keep and keep updating. However we are open to giving consideration to a Star Trek or Wars Gallery Gallery and a Johnny Depp Gallery. Your continued feed back is welcome.

Hope you enjoy


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