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looks like Indiana Jones..

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

I've said that anyone can do art, as everyone has it in them. We will at some point include art tips on the main site but here's and example.

Look at the image to the left and you should see Indiana Jones. Yet this image has more to do with The Impressionists than most forms of Art. After them I would say Pop Art.

All that is here is a sketch in pencil. A light grey wash over that and for the whip and shadow..

Next is a series of close ups on two areas.

First you have the whole image. I zoom into the waist area. I zoom in again. What do you notice? A solid Brown in the upper left and a slightly lighter one in the bottom left. Then some darker pen lines across the waist. Its not realistic at all. For Grey, off white, light brown, brown, dark brown.. But shapes that anyone could do. I originally drew a black and white pen image at Uni many years ago. Placed it over a piece of wood, and carved out the black areas. It gave me a relief sculpture for a kick board for a cinema I was designing. Yet its basic not detailed.

This set I'm zooming in on the Finger nails and whip. First off on focusing on the finger nails its just a little blob of white on the tip. Nothing more, yet when further away it looks detailed.

Next is to focus on the whip. There is nothing. if you look carefully you can see the grey wash under the brown. On top is a brown felt tip pen scribble up and down to give a movement feel.

If I was to finish this off as a finished piece of Art, I wood get a black fine line pen and either draw a horizontal line or carefully escribe some stretched ovals to represent the the cords.

Strokes of colour. and minimal colour at that. The Impressionists, didn't do detail they did strokes of colours. They obviously used a lot of colours and bright as that. But that what art is. Detailed or not. It about the multiple strokes forming what you are trying to convey.

It can be fun, it can be expressive, and it can be saying something. But its your voice.

Have a go.


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