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Gallery Star Trek

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

Positive feed back about the Star Trek Paintings has been coming into the site. So because of that we have now made a separate Gallery to Celebrate the Show and Films. We have collated what we have so far and placed it into the Gallery. Over the coming weeks we will add more which should take us up to 45 images.

Star Trek has throughout the years it has been here influenced so much,(portable comms, the flip phone, computers) and even so many people, Astronauts and Astrophysicists to name a few. But from an Art point of view, some of our best Artists and Designers are people working on Film and TV. Star Trek itself has been a fountain for Artists and Designers to keep pushing the boundaries and the imagination.

Hope you enjoy and like and continue to visit our Galleries and Site.

Remember come have a look, escape, and fingers crossed get inspired to try your own art.


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