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Updated: Dec 17, 2022

As Promised the site is changing

The site has slowly been taken apart with just a few Picture Galleries remaining

so people can still see stuff.


Because we are becoming an Art Gallery showcasing the work of Mike E Waters.

We are combing the arts to create an Online Art Gallery for people to use, to get inspired by.

Our Goals

To share our Joy and knowledge and skills.

To help Mindfulness.

To help People.


To eventually go real. To have a real place. A Gallery where Artists and musicians can come.

Where children can come and learn about the Arts and get creative.

Where the process can be seen in real. To put on Exhibitions, Concerts, and Creative Classes.

The Arts have been lost and we need them more than Ever.

Art, Music, Astronomy

and The Earth

Be Creative, Free your mind, Heal your mind, Express yourself

Mike E Waters

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